WaterSteamPro(R) Sample
Two modes of usage of the WaterSteamPro
In this file you found the example of usage of the WaterSteamPro functions in two modes. First – default mode after creating new Mathcad document – all units of arguments and results in SI. Second mode – all functions working with built-in units of Mathcad. For usage in second mode your must to import file "WaterSteamPro.mcd" by selecting "Reference..." in menu "Insert" and locate needed file.
About WaterSteamPro
WaterSteamPro is a certified program for calculating properties of water and steam.
Additional information about WaterSteamPro given in it's documentation.
New versions and online documentation available in the www-site of the WaterSteamPro: http://twt.mpei.ac.ru/orlov/watersteampro
1. First mode – without dimensions (all arguments and results in SI)
where: pressure – 106 [Pa]; temperature – 500 [K]; specific enthalpy in [J/kg]
2. Second mode – with units
Import file with the defenition of dimensional functions:
Call such as in the first mode (error occur):
Calls with dimensions: