Dynamic viscosity

Specific enthalpy: J/kg

Specific entropy: J/(kg·K)

Dynamic viscosity: 1,4323735187229E-03 Pa·sec

To process this page used the WaterSteamPro function "wspDYNVISHS": dynamic viscosity [Pa·sec] as function of specific enthalpy h [J/kg], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)].

It is a function. The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97 and in formulation for dynamic viscosity (see function wspDYNVISRT). Function works as follows. For first the IF-97 region is determined by function wspWATERSTATEAREAHS. Then the original variables are defined for basic equation of IF-97 region at this point (by functions wspPTxHS and wspRT3HS). Then the sought quantity is calculated on these data. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

WaterSteamPro is a registered trademark of Moscow Power Engineering Institute (Technical University).

Copyright (c) MPEI (TU), 1999-2010.

Copyright (c) Konstantin A. Orlov, 1999-2010.