Specific entropy in double-phase area

Temperature: K

Vapor fraction:

Specific entropy in double-phase area: 4330,54568939987 J/(kg·K)

To process this page used the WaterSteamPro function "wspSSTX": specific entropy in double-phase area [J/(kg·K)] as function of temperature t [K], vapor fraction x [-].

Function uses functions wspSSST and wspSSWT which return specific entropies of steam and water at saturation line. The function uses following formula: Sx = (1 - X)·Sw + X·Ss, where Ss = wspSSST, Sw = wspSSWT and X - vapor fraction. The range of validity is double-phase (water-vapor) area.

WaterSteamPro is a registered trademark of Moscow Power Engineering Institute (Technical University).

Copyright (c) MPEI (TU), 1999-2010.

Copyright (c) Konstantin A. Orlov, 1999-2010.