Temperature at saturation line

Specific enthalpy: J/kg

Specific entropy: J/(kg·K)

Temperature at saturation line: 373,150200267534 K

To process this page used the WaterSteamPro function "wspTSHS": temperature at saturation line [K] as function of specific enthalpy h [J/kg], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)].

Function calculates saturation temperature on a base of thermodunamic formulas. Newton method is used to determine the root. The range of validity is from triple point of water (0.01°C) to critical point (647.096K or 373.946°C). Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

WaterSteamPro is a registered trademark of Moscow Power Engineering Institute (Technical University).

Copyright (c) MPEI (TU), 1999-2010.

Copyright (c) Konstantin A. Orlov, 1999-2010.